FACOA Volunteer Awards

For the past several years two people from the Farmington / Farmington Hills area have been recognized annually for their exemplary services as volunteers.
- Margaret Loridas Diamond Award: 75 years or better.
- Gold Award: 50 years or better.
Other Volunteer Awards
In addition, three Adults 50 & Better Awards are given:
- The Robert A. Eastman S.A.G.E. Award
- The Loretta C. Conway Senior Division Award
- The Aldo Vagnozzi Spirit Award
Community Commitment Award
This new Community Commitment Award will be presented annually to a community organization or business which goes above and beyond to serve the older adults of the Farmington Area.
2023 FACOA
Volunteer Awards

The Farmington Area Commission on Aging and the City of Farmington Hills Special Services Department Adults 50 & Better program hosted their annual Volunteer Breakfast on April 13. This year's theme was "We're Wild About You and We're not Lion!" featuring musician Kim Dominick who entertained over 200 guests at the Costick Center.
The Gold Award, given to individuals 50 years or better, was presented to Betty and Chuck Milan and Mary and Vince Renfeld. Both couples volunteer for the Meals-On-Wheels program as dedicated drivers. The Margaret Loridas Diamond Award, given to an individual 75 years or better, was presented to Carl Christoph. Carl has volunteered for the Farmington Public schools as a band and sports booster, a coach, fundraiser and chaperon. He still works with Civitan which promotes literacy in the schools. He served on the Commission on Parks and Recreation for over 25 years and continues to work on the Commission on Aging.
Honorees are current active volunteers providing service in Farmington and/or Farmington Hills. These two awards provide the Farmington Area Commission on Aging the opportunity to recognize and honor the outstanding volunteerism exhibited in the community.
The Adults 50 & Better Awards are presented to individuals for outstanding volunteer work within the Adults 50 & Better Division. The Loretta C. Conway Senior Division Award was presented to Joan McGlincy for volunteering 23 years in the Senior Nutrition Program at the Costick Center; and the Aldo Vagnozzi Spirit Award winner was presented to Percy Stamps, a dedicated volunteer BINGO caller.
The Annual Volunteer Breakfast serves as an opportunity to honor all the dedicated volunteers who are vital to the programs and services offered to Adults 50 & Better of Farmington and Farmington Hills. Programs and services such as Meals on Wheels, AARP Tax Services, S.A.G.E., Gift Shop, Sojourn Bears, Home Chore, and many other tasks depend on the commitment of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please call 248-473-1830 for more information.
2023 Award Winners, left to right - Chuck Milan, Debbie Milan, Percy Stamps, Joan McGlincy, Carl Christoph, Mary Renfeld, Vince Renfeld
2019 Volunteer Award Winners
at the Annual Volunteer Breakfast April 4, 2019

The Farmington Area Commission on Aging and the City of Farmington Hills Special Services Department Adults 50 & Better program hosted their annual Volunteer Breakfast on April 4. This year's theme was "Thanks A Million" featuring musicians Jennifer and Sid Zack, who entertained over 200 guests at the Costick Center.
The Community Commitment Award, a new category this year, was presented to Tim Surma, Manager of Farmington Hill's Busch's Fresh Food Market, for a community-based organization or business that goes above and beyond to serve older adults in Farmington and Farmington Hills.
The Gold Award, given to individuals 50 years or better, was presented to Diana Lis and Von White. Diane volunteers for the Xemplar Club, Xemplar Foundation, C.A.R.E.S., and the American Legion Auxiliary as a bookkeeper, and also organizes the Cancer Knockout Fundraiser. Von has volunteered for 20 years with Hospice of Michigan as a companion and he also provides respite visits for the families.
The Margaret Loridas Diamond Award, given to an individual 75 years or better, was presented to Rolland Walt. Rolland has volunteered for WXYZ's Call for Action organization and also does volunteer work with Jewish Vocational Services.
These three awards provide the Farmington Area Commission on Aging with the opportunity to recognize and honor the outstanding volunteerism exhibited in the community. Honorees are current active volunteers who provide service in Farmington and/or Farmington Hills.
The Adults 50 & Better Awards are presented to individuals for outstanding volunteer work within the Adults 50 & Better Division. The Loretta C. Conway Senior Division Award was presented to Nena Atkins for volunteering for five years in the Senior Transportation Department, Nutrition Program, and Special Events at the Costick Center; the Aldo Vagnozzi Spirit Award was presented to Robert Show, a dedicated Meals-On-Wheels driver for over 20 years.
The Annual Volunteer Breakfast serves as an opportunity to honor all the dedicated volunteers who are vital to the programs and services offered to the Adults 50 & Better of Farmington and Farmington Hills. Programs and services such as Meals on Wheels, AARP Tax Services, S.A.G.E., Gift Shop, Sojourn Bears, Home Chores, and many other tasks depend on the commitment of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please call 248-473-1830 for more information.
2018 Volunteer Award Winners
Gold Award
(Given to individuals 50 & better)
Presented to Terry Deichert,who volunteers for the Farmington Public Schools Turn Around Program, Longacre House Board and Xemplar Club.
The Margaret Loridas Diamond Award
(Given to an individual 75 years or better)
Presented to Fay Jacobs, who has volunteered for the Karmanos Cancer Center for 10 years.
Loretta C. Conway Senior Division Award
Presented to Margareta Attard for volunteering 17 years in the Senior Nutrition Program at the Costick Center.
Robert A. Eastman S.A.G.E. Award
Presented to Donna Hicks for working with elementary school students.
Aldo Vagnozzi Spirit Award
Presented to Theresa Biendit, a dedicated volunteer library coordinator at the Costick Center and a true ambassador for Adults 50 & Better programs.
2017 Volunteer Awards

Loretta C. Conway Senior Division Award—Doris Ramsey and Mary Trevisan
Robert A. Eastman S.A.G.E. Award—Bette Rose
Aldo Vagnozzi Spirit Award—Jim Buckner
Gold Award—Art Mikkola
Diamond Award—Ron Holland
2016 Volunteer Awards
The Farmington Area Commission on Aging and the City of Farmington Hills Special
Services Department Adults 50 & Better program hosted their annual Volunteer Breakfast on April 7. This year's theme was "We're Rolling Out the Red Carpet for Our Volunteers." The Honorable United States District Judge Terrence Berg delivered the keynote address to over 200 guests at the Costick Center. The event was sponsored by Heartland of West Bloomfield and Marvin & Betty Danto.
The Gold Award, given to individuals 50 years or better, was presented to John and Janice Ricco. They both work with Gilda's club and are leaders of a cancer support group at St. Fabian Church. John is active in the Knights of Columbus. The Margaret Loridas Diamond Award, given to an individual 75 years or better, was presented to Raymond Okonski. Ray is a member of the Xemplar Club, supports art, culture, education, human services, and is known for his wonderful magic tricks. Honorees are current active volunteers providing service in Farmington and/or Farmington Hills. These two awards provide the Farmington Area Commission on Aging the opportunity to recognize and honor the outstanding volunteerism exhibited in the community.
The Adults 50 &Better Awards are presented to individuals for outstanding volunteer work within the Adults 50 & Better Division. The Robert A. Eastman S.A.G.E. Award was presented to Geraldine Kruger for working with elementary school students; the Loretta C. Conway Senior Division Award was presented to John Lepine for volunteering in the Adult Day Program and helping out around the Costick Center; and the Aldo Vagnozzi Spirit Award winner was presented to Ken Pool, a dedicated Meals-on-Wheels driver.
The Annual Volunteer Breakfast serves as an opportunity to honor all the dedicated volunteers who are vital to the programs and services offered to Adults 50 & Better of Farmington and Farmington Hills. Programs and services such as Meals on Wheels, AARP Tax Services, S.A.G.E., Gift Shop, Sojourn Bears, Home Chore, and many other tasks.