2014 Annual Field Trip: Northern Virginia
(Five Forks to Appomatox)
For 2014, the MRRT traveled from October 25-26 to Northern Virginia, following in the footsteps of Grant's operations that brought Lee and the Confederacy to Appomatox.
Click here for an online presentation of pictures showing the trip's highlights, or here for a flyer describing the details of the trip.
Additional Resources: (in order of MRRT visitation)
1. Lewis's Farm (Quaker / Military Rd. / Gravelly Run)
- Emerging Civil War: The Battle of Lewis's Farm
2. Five Forks
- American Battlefield Trust: Five Forks
3. Petersburg
- American Battlefield Trust: Petersburg Battlefield
4. Sutherland's Station
5. Namozine Church
- (Video:) Battle of Namozine Church
6. Sailor's Creek (Sayler's Creek)
- American Battlefield Trust: Sailor's Creek
7. High Bridge
- American Battlefield Trust: Sailor's Creek
6. Amelia Springs
- American History Central: The Battle of Amelia Springs
7. Appomatox Courthouse
- American Battlefield Trust: Appomatox Courthouse: Lee's Surrender