Historic Hotels, Inns and Taverns in the Farmington Area

  • In 1836, Orrin and Allen Weston built a large family home/inn named the Weston House alongside what would become the Grand River Turnpike. Photo 1878.
  • Stephen Jennings purchased the inn in 1841 and renamed it Sixteen Mile House as it was 16 miles from Detroit. John Claugherty purchased the inn in 1849. Photo ca. 1924.
  • In the mid-1800's Milton Botsford became the owner. Although faster railroad transportation resulted in a decline of overnight guests, Botsford was successful in promoting the inn as he hosted special events.
  • Notice the Detroit United Railway (DUR) tracks running in front of the i\Inn.
  • From 1900 to 1930, as the DUR passed by Botsford Inn, the inn also became a milk station, with farmers shipping milk to Detroit on the DUR.
  • The once-busy Botsford Inn would probably have fallen to ruin had not Henry Ford purchased it in 1924.
  • Ford first moved the Botsford Inn back several hundred feet. Extensive remodeling was done. The Fords operated the Inn until 1951.
  • John Anhut purchased the Botsford Inn in 1951. Fine dining was enjoyed at the Botsford Inn as one can see by looking at this 1967 menu.
  • During John Anhut's ownership, two large additions were added to the Botsford Inn, quadrupling its original size.
  • In 2008 the Botsford Inn was sold one final time to Botsford Hospital, who needed the land for construction of a treatment center.
  • The Grace House was a hotel operated by B. F. Grace, and the rates were the same as those of the Owen House across the street operated by Eugene Grace.
  • Public dances were given on the third floor of the Grace House, and children were put to bed in one of the rooms. It was demolished in the 1960s.
  • In 1850 Horace Swan built the Farmington Hotel on what is now the SE corner of Grand River Ave. and Farmington Rd. It was later named the Owen House.
  • This Greek Revival structure, named the Farmington Hotel was renamed the Owen House in the early 1870s when L. D. "Daff" Owen purchased it.
  • The Owen House was remodeled twice. After the second renovation, it "lost" its Greek Revival style. Wide porches with easy chairs welcomed travelers.
  • Bruce Owen (Daff's son) was operating the hotel in 1891. One day he left, leaving his wife Minnie to care for the children, the hotel, and her blind father-in-law.
  • Minnie Owen later married Eugene Grace in the left background. Bruce Owen is on the right in the buggy. Photo taken during happier times in the Owen marriage.
  • The Owen House was not just an inn for travelers, but it also served the residents of Farmington as a place for many dances and other gatherings.
  • This Owen House photo was taken prior to the 1900s, as the date on the Lee Harness building in the background at the right is 1899.
  • Guests could enjoy a bowling alley built by Eugene Grace in the Owen House. An ice storage room at the end of the barroom ensured the guests a cold beer!
  • The Owen House benefited by having a DUR stop at its corner. The "Farmington Stop" was identified by the leaning post at the corner. At that time, the road intersecting Grand River at the location was called Division Street.
  • This advertisement was copied from the March 10, 1910 issue of the Farmington Enterprise newspaper.
  • Prohibition, followed by the Depression in the early 1930s was disastrous for hotels. The once popular Owen House was demolished in the early 1930s.
  • The Philbrick Inn / Tavern, 26007 Power Road, was built in 1827 by Quaker Nathan Philbrick. It may have been used as an underground railroad station. It is now a private home.
  • The Wixom Inn, formerly the Walker Inn was built about 1830. Robert Wixom purchased it in 1845. Located on Grand River near where 10 mile veers west by southwest today, it reverted to a family home in the late 1870s.