Farmington Genealogical Indexes Available Online
About These Indexes
These indexes were hand-compiled by Volunteers in the Farmington Community Library Heritage Room and members of the Farmington Genealogical Society. They are made available in an online version hosted by the Farmington Community Library. See also: How to Search these indexes.
The Obituary Index
The Obituary Index contains name, date of death (may be
calculated, and/or approximate), source of the
obituary, date of the obituary, and page number
where the obituary appeared. A separate table
lists maiden names and the page number where
they appear in the printed version of the index which is available in the Heritage Collection. The obituary index can be searched by last name, first name, soundex code, and date of death.
The Surname Index
The Surname Index contains a compilation of names which
appear in church records, newspaper articles,
biographies, names of local cities, towns and
lakes, family group sheets, land conveyance
records, marriage notices (1940–1959), obituaries, photocopied obituaries, Funeral Home Records, and
wedding and birthday notices (Cook) held in the Heritage Collection of the Farmington Community
Library. The index contains name, source, page, and in
some cases a brief note.
Clicking on the Search the Indexes Tab, above, brings you to the Search Tool. ![]() |
The Obituary Index can be searched by last name,
first name, soundex code, and date of death. ![]() You can click on the hyperlinked result—and it is important to note the section and page Number—and be taken to the first page of that issue. Use the menu at the top of the page to navigate to the page needed for the obituary, which page can then be downloaded or printed as a .pdf. |
- The Surname and Cemetery indices
can only be searched by first or last names,
or by soundex code.
- Date searches work even if only one or two components
of day, month or year are known. However,
searches for day and year, without month,
may be slower.
- Entering more criteria narrows the search.
Entering less widens it.
- Name entries are treated as partial values; e.g. if "Will" is entered, it would match
"Williams" as well.
- Some data is necessarily missing from
the index, due to e.g. newspaper clipping
lacking dates, etc. Some few first names
(e.g. children who died at birth, who are
listed like "SON OF _fathers name_"), as well
as some death and obituary dates were not
available to the compilers of the index.
You may have to allow for this when searching
the index.
- Index Search Results will display no more than 100 matches
at one time.