Farmington Streets and Scenes: A Slideshow of Historic Images
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Twilight along the Rouge River (1950).
Another view of the Rouge River (1950).
Winter Scene (1967).
Map of Detroit-Howell Plank Road: from the first angle in the Grand River Turnpike,
passing by way of Farmington Village and intersecting the Turnpike again at Wixom. (Surveyed May, 1850).
West Main St. (AKA Grand River!) looking west from the intersection with Farmington Road.
Along Grand River
Early Valley View.
Warner Block Building: North side of Grand River east of Farmington Rd.
It was purchased in the early 1900's and remodeled by Cook.
Early Downtown (1870)
The stone building belonged to Oliver B. Smith and housed Miss Pierman's Millinery and D.r Woodman's Drug Store.
The second floor was the first meeting spot of the Masons.
J. N. Power's General Store was to the left, and Selby's Jewelry Shop is easily identified by the hanging timepiece.
Maple Avenue.
Farmington Exchange Bank, a Business, Phelps & Schroeder and the Grace Hotel.
North Side of Grand River showing Grimes Cleaners, Buck's Liquors,
Civic Theater, Cook Building, People's State Bank and Grace Hotel (late 1940's).
McGee Hill and Rouge River Location near present-day Farmington Rd. and Shiawassee Rd. (c. 1896)
North Side of Grand River, just east of the Farmington Road intersection with Early Cars.
Grand River: Horses and Buggies side-by-side with Early Automobiles, and D.U.R. Tracks.
Sketch of Grand River
Grand River.
Farmington Business Section (late 19th c.)